Dokklub Tampereella elokuvajuhlien aikana Työväenmuseo Werstaalla 09.03.2013 klo 14:30.
Dokumenttielokuva Anna Politkovskajasta.
Vapauden katkera maku/A bitter taste of freedom/Горький вкус свободы, 2011, 86 min., ohj. Marina Goldovskaja, tuot. Malcolm Dixelius, kielet: venäjä, engl./engl. tekstitys.
English subtiitles.
Elokuva on saanut parhaan elokuvan palkinnot Varsovan, Montrealin ja Toronton elokuvafestivaaleilla.
Vuonna 2011 valmistunut elokuva on esitetty Suomessa vain kerran, noin
kuukausi sitten Dokklubilla Helsingissä.
Vapaa pääsy.
Докклуб в Тампере во время кинофестиваля 09.03.2013 в 14.30.
Показ фильма Марины Голдовской об Анне ПолитковскойГорький вкус свободы.
Вход бесплатный.
The Director’s personal statement
Anna Politkovskaya and her husband, Sasha, were my students at Moscow State University. In 1990, I made a film about them, “A Taste of Freedom”. I kept close contact with Anna all these years, recording our intimate conversations. When I learned about the murder, it hurt me so much that to make a film about her was unthinkable to me. However, five months after her violent death, her granddaughter was born, the little Anna Politkovskaya. Then I felt compelled to make the film.
This film shows the tragedy of not just one family. It is the tragedy of the whole nation that has fallen victim to the State. Together with Anna we revisit the main tragic moments of contemporary Russian history: the acts of terror in the Dubrovka Theater and the No 1 School in Beslan. She gives voice to refugees from Chechnya and other former Soviet republics. Anna was more than a journalist; she was a defender of human rights.
After Anna’s death, her family and friends all assumed certain roles, as if casted for a film. They have all shared their inner thoughts with my camera, as if talking to Anna herself. I have tried to maintain the intimacy of these conversations when we finally edited the vast material that I had filmed over almost two decades.
This film is unlike any other films made about Anna Politkovskaya, because it gives her an opportunity to tell her story in her own words.
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